This week the BancoEstado blockade of the Khipu payment platform was made public, which brought this case to justice through a protection appeal, arguing the arbitrariness of the financial institution and the damage it has caused to their company.

However, this blockade is not affecting only this company, but also many other Fintech companies and hundreds of thousands of people, who over these weeks have not been able to make their payments, transfers, and all kinds of transactions.

“We filed a protection appeal from Khipu against BancoEstado, because by blocking their clients when they choose to pay with Khipu, they are violating a constitutional guarantee of the clients, which gives the right to ownership of the money in the custody of the bank.

It is not that their funds are stolen, but by preventing the payment of debts, bills, and purchases, with a solution used years ago, the use that people can give to their funds, is arbitrarily limited. They also violate various constitutional guarantees of Khipu, such as the right to property, the right to undertake and the right not to be discriminated against by state agents”, explains Roberto Opazo, Executive Director of Khipu.