REST API Reference

Review methods and models that you can use in your implementation

For API 2.0 all methods use the following url as base:

Reference Methods

1 - GET / banks

Get the list of banks that can pay to this charging account

This API call must be signed according to the procedure described in API Petition Signatureand the “Authorization” heading must be used to send the chain:

<id cobrador>:<firma>

This API call consumes the following types of media using the Content-Type header:


This API call produces the following types of media using the Accept header; the type will be converted using the Content-Type header:

200: Éxito
400: Datos inválidos
403: Error de autorización
503: Error de operación

2 - GET / payments

Complete payment information. Data used in the creation and current status of the payment. It is obtained from the notification_token that Khipu sends when the payment is reconciled.

This API call must be signed according to the procedure described in API Petition Signature and the “Authorization” heading must be used to send the chain:

<id cobrador>:<firma>

This API call consumes the following types of media using the Content-Type header:

notification_token (required): Notification token received using API notification version 1.3 or higher. This field has a fixed length of 64 characters.

This API call produces the following types of media using the Accept header; the type will be converted using the Content-Type header:

200: Éxito
400: Datos inválidos
403: Error de autorización
503: Error de operación

3 - POST / payments

Create a Khipu payment and get the URLs for user redirection to complete the payment.

This API call must be signed according to the procedure described in API Petition Signature and the “Authorization” heading must be used to send the chain:

<id cobrador>:<firma>

This API call consumes the following types of media using the Content-Type header:


subject (required): Motive. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

currency (required): Currency code in format ISO-4217. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

amount (required): Charge amount. No thousands separator and using ‘.’ as decimal separator. Up to 4 decimal places, depending on the currency. This field has a maximum length of 16 characters.

transaction_id (optional): Transaction identifier. Example: billing or purchasing order number. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

custom (optional): Parameter to send personalized information of the transaction. Example: XML document with the Shopping Cart details. This field has a maximum length of 1.073.741.824 characters.

body (optional): Charge description. This field has a max length of 5.120 characters.

bank_id (optional): Bank identifier to be used in the payment. This field has a max length of 5 characters.

return_url (optional): The URL address where the customer will be sent while the payment is being verified. This field has a max length of 1.024 characters.

cancel_url (optional): The URL address where the customer will be sent if he/she decides not to complete the transaction. This field has a max length of 1.024 characters.

picture_url (optional): A URL address of a picture of the product or service. This field has a max length of 1.024 characters.

notify_url (optional): Web-service address to be used by khipu to notify when the payment is reconciled. This field has a max length of 1.024 characters.

contract_url (optional): The URL address of the PDF file with the contract to be signed for this payment. The collector must be enabled for this service and the ‘fixed_payer_personal_identifier’ field is mandatory. This field has a max length of 1.024 characters.

notify_api_version (optional): The notification API version to receive notifications by web-services. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

expires_date (optional): Maximum date to execute a payment (in ISO-8601 format). The customer may make several attempts until this date. Each attempt has an individual period of 3 hours for its execution.

send_email (optional): If ‘true’, a payment request will be sent to the e-mail specified in ‘payer_email’. This field has a max length of 5 characters.

payer_name (optional): Payer’s name. It is mandatory when send_email is ‘true’. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

payer_email (optional): Payer’s e-mail. It is mandatory when send_email is ‘true’. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

send_reminders (optional): If ‘true’, charging reminders will be sent. This field has a max length of 5 characters.

responsible_user_email (optional): The e-mail of the person that is responsible for the charge, it must belong to a khipu user with permissions to collect using a charging account. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

fixed_payer_personal_identifier (optional): Personal identifier. If specified, it could only be payed using this identifier. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

integrator_fee (optional): Commission for the merchant integrator. It is only valid if the charging account is associated to an integrator account. This field has a maximum length of 16 characters.

collect_account_uuid (optional): For collection accounts with more own account. Allows you to choose the account where the transfer should occur. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

confirm_timeout_date (optional): Charge rendition date. It is also the end date to be able to receive the charge. Format ISO-8601. Ex: 2017-03-01T13:00:00Z. This field has a max length of 22 characters.

mandatory_payment_method (optional): The charge can only be paid using the specified means of payment. The possible values for this field are found in the id field of the endpoint response. Check the Available Payment Methods. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

This API call produces the following types of media using the Accept header; the type will be converted using the Content-Type header:

200: Éxito
400: Datos inválidos
403: Error de autorización
503: Error de operación

4 - GET / payments / {id}

Complete payment information. Data used in the creation and current status of the payment.

This API call must be signed according to the procedure described in API Petition Signature and the “Authorization” heading must be used to send the chain:

<id cobrador>:<firma>
id (required): Payment identifier. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

This API call consumes the following types of media using the Content-Type header:


This API call produces the following types of media using the Accept header; the type will be converted using the Content-Type header:

200: Éxito
400: Datos inválidos
403: Error de autorización
503: Error de operación

5 - DELETE / payments / {id}

Delete a payment. Only pending payments are allowed to be deleted. This operation cannot be undone.

This API call must be signed according to the procedure described in API Petition Signature and the “Authorization” heading must be used to send the chain:

<id cobrador>:<firma>
id (required): Payment identifier. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

This API call consumes the following types of media using the Content-Type header:


This API call produces the following types of media using the Accept header; the type will be converted using the Content-Type header:

200: Éxito
400: Datos inválidos
403: Error de autorización
503: Error de operación

6 - POST / payments / {id} / confirm

Confirm the payment. When a payment is confirmed, it will be rendered the next business day.

This API call must be signed according to the procedure described in API Petition Signature and the “Authorization” heading must be used to send the chain:

<id cobrador>:<firma>
id (required): Payment identifier. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

This API call consumes the following types of media using the Content-Type header:


This API call produces the following types of media using the Accept header; the type will be converted using the Content-Type header:

200: Éxito
400: Datos inválidos
403: Error de autorización
503: Error de operación

7 - POST / payments / {id} / refunds

Refund the amount of a payment in whole or in part. This operation can only be carried out in the merchants that collect in Khipu account and before the rendition of the funds.

This API call must be signed according to the procedure described in API Petition Signature and the “Authorization” heading must be used to send the chain:

<id cobrador>:<firma>
id (required): Payment identifier. This field has a max length of 255 characters.

This API call consumes the following types of media using the Content-Type header:

amount (optional): The amount to be refunded. No thousands separator and using ‘.’ as decimal separator Up to 4 decimal places, depending on the currency. If omitted the refund will be for the total payment amount.

This API call produces the following types of media using the Accept header; the type will be converted using the Content-Type header:

200: Éxito
400: Datos inválidos
403: Error de autorización
503: Error de operación

8 - POST / receivers

Creates a new charging account associated to a merchant integrator. It requires data of the associated account, billing and contact data.

This API call must be signed according to the procedure described in API Petition Signature and the “Authorization” heading must be used to send the chain:

<id cobrador>:<firma>

Please note that the API only allows valid phones. To verify a valid phone, Google’s LibPhoneNumber library (see documentation) is used, allowing “full validation of a phone number for a region using length and prefix information”.

In addition to this, the method of validation of the Identifier depends on the country:
Chile: Verify that it is a valid rut (rol único tributario)
Bolivia and Colombia: Length of 20
Other countries: Length of 30

This API call consumes the following types of media using the Content-Type header:

admin_first_name (required): First name of the charging account administrator to be created. This field has a max length of 255 characters.
admin_last_name (requerido): Last name of the charging account administrator to be created. This field has a max length of 255 characters.
admin_email (required): E-mail of the charging account administrator to be created. This field has a max length of 255 characters.
country_code (required): Alphanumeric codeo f the two ISO 3166-1 characters of the country of the charging account to be created. This field has a max length of 2 characters.
business_identifier (required): Tax identifier of the collector associated with the charging account to be created. This field has a min length of 8 characters and a max length of 255 characters.
business_category (required): Tax category of the collector associated with the charging account to be created. This field has a max length of 255 characters.
business_name (required): Tax name of the collector associated with the charging account to be created. This field has a max length of 255 characters.
business_phone (required): Phone number of the collector associated with the charging account to be created. This field has a min length of 5 characters and a max length of 20 characters.
business_address_line_1 (required): Address of of the collector associated with the charging account to be created. This field has a min length of 4 characters and a max length of 300 characters.
business_address_line_2 (required): Second line of the address of the collector associated with the charging account to be created. This field has a min length of 4 characters and a max length of 300 characters.
business_address_line_3 (required): Third line of the address of the collector associated with the charging account to be created. This field has a min length of 4 characters and a max length of 300 characters.
contact_full_name (required): Contact name of the collector’s contact. This field has a max length of 255 characters.
contact_job_title (required): Title of the collector’s contact. This field has a max length of 255 characters.
contact_email (required): E-mail of the collector’s contact. This field has a max length of 255 characters.
contact_phone (required): Phone number of the collector’s contact. This field has a min length of 5 characters and a max length of 20 characters.
bank_account_bank_id (optional): Bank identifier. This field has a max length of 5 characters.
bank_account_identifier (optional): Personal identifier of the owner of the bank account. This field has a max length of 50 characters.
bank_account_name (optional): Bank account name. This field has a max length of 255 characters.
bank_account_number (optional): Bank account number. This field has a max length of 255 characters.
notify_url (optional): Default URL for the webservice where the payment will be notified. This field has a max length of 1.024 characters.
rendition_url (optional): URL for the webservice where the rendition will be notified. This field has a max length of 1.024 characters.

This API call produces the following types of media using the Accept header; the type will be converted using the Content-Type header:

200: Éxito
400: Datos inválidos
403: Error de autorización
503: Error de operación

9 - GET / merchants / {id} / paymentMethods

Gets the list of payment methods available for a collector account.

This API call must be signed according to the procedure described in API Petition Signature and the “Authorization” heading must be used to send the chain:

<id cobrador>:<firma>
id (required): Payment identifier. This field has a maximum length of 255 characters.

This API call consumes the following types of media using the Content-Type header:


This API call produces the following types of media using the Accept header; the type will be converted using the Content-Type header:

200: Éxito
400: Datos inválidos
403: Error de autorización
503: Error de operación

Reference Models

10 - Payments Response

payment_id: (String) Unique identifier of the payment, it is an alphanumeric string of 12 characters. Since this identifier is unique, it can be used, for example, to avoid processing a repeated notification (Khipu expects a 200 code when notifying a payment, if this does not happen it is retried for up to two days)

payment_url: (String) main URL of the payment, if the user hasn’t selected previously a payment method options are shown

simplified_transfer_url: (String) Simplified URL of the payment

transfer_url: (String) URL of a normal payment

app_url: (String) URL to invoke the payment from a mobile device using the Khipu APP

ready_for_terminal: (Boolean) It is ‘true’ if the payment has all necessary data to open the Khipu payment app directly

notification_token: (String) Alphanumeric string of characters that identify the payment in a unique way, is the identifier Khipu server will send to the merchant server to notify when a payment is reconciled

receiver_id: (Long) Unique identifier of a charging account

conciliation_date: (Date) Date and time of a payment reconciliation. Format ISO-8601. Ex.: 2017-03-01T13:00:00Z

subject: (String) Payment reason or motive

amount: (Double)

currency: (String) The currency code in ISO-4217 format

status: (String) Payment status, possible status are: ‘pending’ (payer has not yet started to pay), ‘verifying’ (payment is being verified) or ‘done’ (payment is already confirmed)

status_detail: (String) Detail of the payment status: ‘pending’ (payer has not yet started to pay), ‘normal’ (payment was verified and was paid by some standard payment method), ‘marked-paid-by-receiver’ (collector marked the payment as paid), ‘rejected-by-payer’ (payer refused to pay), ‘marked-as-abuse’ (payer refused to pay as charge was not requested) and ‘reversed’ (payment was cancelled by the merchant and money was returned to the payer).

body: (String) Detail of charge

picture_url: (String) Charge URL

receipt_url: (String) Proof of payment URL

return_url: (String) URL where the payer is redirected after the payment is finished

cancel_url: (String) URL where the payer is redirected after cancelling the payment

notify_url: (String) webservice URL where the payment will be notified

notify_api_version: (String) Notification API version

expires_date: (Date) Maximum date to execute a payment (in ISO-8601 format). The customer will be able to make several payments attempts up to this date. Each attempt has an individual period of 3 hours for its execution

attachment_urls: (array[String]) URLs of files attached to the payment

bank: (String) Name of the bank selected by the payer

bank_id: (String) Identifier of the bank selected by the payer

payer_name: (String) Payer’s name

payer_email: (String) Payer’s e-mail address

personal_identifier: (String) Payer’s personal identifier

bank_account_number: (String) Payer’s bank account number

out_of_date_conciliation: (Boolean) Is ‘true’ if the payment reconciliation was made after the expiration date

transaction_id: (String) Payment identifier assigned by the collector

custom: (String max 4096 characters) Generic field that the collector assigns when the payment is being made

responsible_user_email: (String) e-mail address of the person responsable of the payment

send_reminders: (Boolean) Is ‘true’ if it’s an e-mail charge and Khipu will send reminders

send_email: (Boolean) Is ‘true’ if Khipu will send the e-mail charge

payment_method: (String) Payment method used by the payer, possible values: ‘regular_transfer’ (normal transfer), ‘simplified_transfer’ (simplified transfer).

funds_source: (String) Origin of the funds used by the payer, posible values are: ‘debit’ for debit payment, ‘prepaid’ for payments by prepay, ‘credit’ for payments with credit, and null in the case that it has been paid by bank transfer.

11 - Payments Create Response

payment_id: (String) Unique identifier of the payment, it is an alphanumeric string of 12 characters. Since this identifier is unique, it can be used, for example, to avoid processing a repeated notification (Khipu expects a 200 code when notifying a payment, if this does not happen it is retried for up to two days)

payment_url: (String) main URL of the payment, if the user hasn’t selected previously a payment method options are shown

simplified_transfer_url: (String) Simplified URL of the payment

transfer_url: (String) URL of a normal payment

app_url: (String) URL to invoke the payment from a mobile device using the Khipu APP

ready_for_terminal: (Boolean) It is ‘true’ if the payment has all necessary data to open the Khipu payment app directly.

12 - Receivers Create Response

receiver_id: (String) Unique identifier of a charging account

secret: (String) Secret key of the charging account, used to sign all petitions

13 - Banks Response

banks: array[BankItem]

14 - Bank Item

bank_id: (String) Identifier of the bank

name: (String) Name of the bank

message: (String) Message with bank details

min_amount: (Double) Minimum amount the bank accepts in a payment

type: (String) Type of bank

parent: (String) Identifier of the parent bank (if a bank has personal and corporate banking, the first will be the parent of the second)

15 - Payment Methods Response

paymentMethods: array[PaymentMethodItem]

16 - Payment Method Item

id: (String) Payment method identifier

name: (String) Payment method name

logo_url: (String) URL of the logo suggested

17 - Success Response

message: (String) Message to display to the user

18 - Authorization Error

status: (Integer) Error code

message: (String) Error message

19 - Service Error

status: (Integer) Error code

message: (String) Error message

20 - Validation Error

status: (Integer) Error code

message: (String) Error message

errors: (array[ErrorItem]) Validation errors

21 - Error Item

field: (String) Field containing the validation error

message: (String) Reason for the validation error

Chile Address: Las Urbinas 53 oficina 132, Providencia, Santiago, Chile. Postal code 7510093

Argentina Address: Besares 1029, Chacras de Coria, Mendoza, Argentina. Postal code 5505.